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Com es fa?

Amb la teva estada, pots donar suport a alguns projectes de protecció climàtica

As part of a pilot program, some guests will have the opportunity to reduce the climate impact of their stay by making a climate contribution at checkout.

Climate contributions don’t “offset” or “compensate” the emissions associated with your travel through Airbnb. Instead, we are estimating the emissions from your stay to calculate the amount and cost of your contribution to projects that have real climate benefits. These projects reduce CO2 in the atmosphere and are accessible independently of a carbon account.

How contributions are calculated

We partner with SQUAKE to estimate the emissions of your stay based on the type of listing you choose, its location, and the time of year you’ll be there. Those emissions are then matched to the associated cost per ton of CO2 for a specific project that’s avoiding or reducing emissions and positively impacting climate change. SQUAKE developed a dedicated methodology tailored to vacation rentals. Rooted in comprehensive research and in-depth data analysis, SQUAKE's approach delves deep into the heating, electricity and water consumption, as well as into amenities.

SQUAKE's method utilizes an extensive set of variables, from the size of the property to the amenities present, and from the number of visitors to the specific region. Calculation model is underpinned by several assumptions. Notwithstanding the limitations, the model does not claim to produce absolute values, but relative ones, enabling a comparison of different accommodations. The calculation method considers the following factors: number of nights and visitors, square meters and heating, electricity and water, seasonality. Further factors for sauna, swimming pool and air conditioning are included in the calculation when available in the accommodation. Factors may overlap with general electricity consumption or represent usage patterns too variable or context-specific to account for accurately. It's important to emphasize that these assumptions provide a framework for calculation, but they introduce certain limitations and potential inaccuracies due to the immense variability in real-life scenarios.

The resulting metrics provide property owners and guests with insights, encouraging sustainable practices. The calculation considers country-specific data and it is estimated that the difference between the actual and model-estimated emissions e.g. for an average UK household is less than 10%, which the calculation was validated against.

The methodology is certified by GUTcert following the “GHG Protocol - Product Life Cycle Accounting & Reporting Standard” and in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14064-3:2020-05. The balancing tool fulfills all requirements for the balancing system and the determination of greenhouse gas-relevant information for the determination of a complete Product Carbon Footprint according to the gate-to-gate accounting approach according to the above-mentioned standard. The calculation methodology covers the following life cycle stages: usage phase without arrival and departure. The emissions factors used for the calculation were taken from published information and credible sources. The survey methodology was checked for suitability and plausibility.

Learn more about the methodology.

Where your contribution goes

Currently, contributions go to one of three project types: peatlands, forest rewilding, or pollutant cleanup projects. The project that your individual contribution will go to is specified on the checkout page. Airbnb covers all additional fees so that your contribution goes only to the project.

You can learn more about these projects by visiting our detailed project portfolio page, available in German or English. All projects are reviewed, monitored and then validated for the CO2 they store.

If your reservation is changed or canceled

Once your payment is complete, 100% of your contribution is transferred directly to the project sponsor. Because it’s sent right away, your climate contribution is non-refundable, and it won’t adjust if your reservation changes.

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