Terms and Conditions for earning V-points with Airbnb


Benefits pursuant to this offer are limited to V Members (“V Members”) who reside in Japan and who have linked their V-points account to their Airbnb account (“Eligible Members”). Only one V-points account can be linked to each Airbnb account. Benefits pursuant to this offer are not available to V Members that reside outside of Japan.

Data linkage

The V-points program is operated by CCC MK HOLDINGS Co.,Ltd. ("MKHD"), as a service for V Members managed by Culture Convenience Club Co., Ltd (“CCC”). In order for us to comply with your request to link your Airbnb account with your V-points account and process V-points that you earn with Airbnb, it is necessary for us to link certain information about you (such as your user ID, booking information necessary for calculating the V-points you will earn and information about the V-points you have earned with Airbnb), with CCC and/or MKHD. We will stop linking this information if you disconnect your Airbnb account from your V-points account. Your information obtained by CCC will be handled in accordance with the Privacy Policy and V Members Terms and Conditions stipulated by CCC.

Conditions of earning V-points with Airbnb

  • Eligible Members may earn V-points when booking accommodation anywhere in the world via the Airbnb website or mobile application (“Airbnb Website”) on or after 19 April 2019. V-points may not be earned for booking other services via Airbnb, such as Airbnb Experiences, or for bookings made or accepted prior to 19 April 2019.
  • Unless otherwise notified to you, Eligible Members will earn 1 V-point for every ¥200 (or foreign equivalent) paid to Airbnb for their accommodation booking, including accommodation fee, cleaning fee and guest service fee but excluding coupons, local taxes or deposits.
  • V-points will be calculated upon checkout of listing (“Checkout”) based on the final value of your booking after any booking changes. Any V-points calculation notified to you prior to Checkout is only an estimate and may differ from the amount of V-points you actually earn for a booking (e.g. due to booking changes/cancellations or exchange rate fluctuations).
  • V-points will only be issued where the Eligible member has successfully linked their Airbnb account with their V-point account and such connection remains active at the time of Checkout (the connection hasn’t been invalidated e.g. due to suspension/revocation of the Eligible Member’s V-point account).
  • For accommodation booked in a currency other than Japanese Yen, or in locations where the local currency is not Japanese Yen, the Japanese Yen equivalent amount will be calculated at the day of checkout using an exchange rate as determined by Airbnb.
  • Where a booking is canceled, V-points will not be granted for any amount that is refunded to the Eligible Member.
  • V-points may be earned only by the Eligible Member in whose name the booking is made and who initiates the booking (for bookings made via Airbnb for Work, an Eligible Member will be deemed to have initiated the booking even where the booking is made by a third party on their behalf). V-points cannot be split between two or more members occupying the same property (for group bookings, V-points (for the full reservation) may only be earned by an Eligible Member that organized/initiated the booking).
  • For bookings made via Airbnb for Work that involve more than one business traveler, V-points (for the entire reservation) will only be earned by the Eligible Member that initiated the initial booking.
  • Eligible Members who have not linked their V-points account to their Airbnb account at the time of booking can still earn V-points for a booking made or accepted after 19 April 2019, provided they link their V-points account to their Airbnb Account before the time of Checkout for the booking.
  • You may disconnect your V-points account from your Airbnb account at any time by visiting this page when logged in to your Airbnb account. V-points will not be earned for any stays which end after the point of disconnection, even if the booking was made or accepted prior to you disconnecting your V-points account.
  • V-points will accrue to your V-points account within 72 hours after Checkout.
  • If it is determined or suspected that Eligible Members are using Airbnb to fraudulently acquire V-points, the Eligible Members’ V Members membership may be suspended and/or they may be temporarily prevented from receiving V-points, and/or the points they have accumulated may be revoked in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, V Members Terms and Conditions stipulated by CCC and V Point Terms and Conditions of Service of MKHD.
  • Earning and Redemption of V-points is subject to the terms and conditions (including V Members Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions for V-point Site Service (V Point/V Card) and V Point Service Terms and Conditions) and Privacy Policy of the V-points Program. If you have any questions about withdrawing your V-point account and/or personal information with regard to the V-points, please contact CCCand MKHD via http://tsite.jp.
  • V-points are not redeemable with Airbnb and Airbnb is in no way liable for any issues that may arise in connection with the redemption of V-points that are earned with Airbnb.
  • Airbnb’s Terms of Service, Payment Terms of Service and Privacy Policy govern all bookings made through Airbnb.


Airbnb reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time in accordance with this provision. If we make changes to these Terms and Conditions, we will provide you with prior notice by posting the revised Terms and Conditions on our website before they become effective. Airbnb reserves the right to terminate this program at any time by posting a notice on our website, after which time V-points will not be awarded for bookings made via Airbnb (including existing bookings which end after the point of termination).