Activitats exclusives a Atlas Mountains

Activitats exclusives a Atlas Mountains

Reserva activitats inoblidables organitzades per residents a través d'Airbnb.

Activitats més ben valorades

Exclusive horseriding in Algarve
*** WEIGHT LIMIT 90KG *** Me and my wife are the only ones in Algarve taking the horses directly to the place of the trail ride instead of just riding around the stables. The ride we provide in this experience takes place through the woods and along the coastline of João Darens, called by many "the last green spot where the woods kiss the ocean". Two easy steps to enjoy this experience : we will send you the coordenates when you book the experience and we will meet you there with the horses, ready to go! Other things to note: I am a horse lover therefore I have an animal friendly policy, my horses don't use any metal bits on their mouths, unless they are still in training, only work two hours a day five days a week and my guests must be under 90kg. No experience with horses is required as no trots or canters are involved in this scenic ride.
Day-trip to the Atlas Mountains & Three Valleys, Camel ride
On this experience I will take you to explore the Atlas Mountains and the stunning Berber villages, lush green valleys, and breathtaking waterfalls I will pick you up FROM YOUR ACCOMMODATION at 9 a.m. or at the nearest place with access by car Then leave the hustle and bustle of the city behind you as you start your journey to the Atlas Mountains, we will stop for a camel ride on the way to the Ourika Valley, The camel drivers will greet us with traditional nomadic costumes that makes this an authentic experience. Then, Hope on your well-cared-for camel, capture some memorable photos, and savor a fresh cup of mint tea in a traditional Berber tent. Then we will head to the UNESCO World Heritage Site, a town called Azro, stop for photos then we will go to a Berber house for a small breakfast. Then, we will travel through the most amazing places of the Atlas Mountains, exploring the three valleys, the Atlas waterfalls, the Asni Valley, and the Imlil Valley. We will take a walk to visit the Berber villages and a waterfall, offering breathtaking views along the way. Next, we will go to the village, where you will enjoy the LUNCH PREPARED BY MY MOTHER IN MY FAMILY HOUSE. The tour departs from Marrakech at 9 AM and it ends up in Marrakech around 17:30 PM THE EXPERIENCE INCLUDES: Transportation, Camel ride, Lunch, Water, Tea, A visit to the Berber Market on Saturdays & Tuesdays.
Kayak Lagos Adventure
We reviewed safety procedures and internal hygiene protocols, and as a result of this work, Turismo de Portugal recognized Lagos Adventure, a safe Travel and Tourism Agency. The kayaking activity it's really amazing. Check-in: Our meeting point for Kayak Tour is at the Gate "ABCD" at Marina de Lagos - in front of (Pizza Hut restaurant). Tour: We start in Marina de Lagos, on board a catamaran. We leave the Harbor of Lagos (Marina de Lagos), and along the way we do a little briefing to teach/remind you how to maneuver the kayak, explain all the instructions about how to behave on the water, and what you can expect during the sightseeing. You leave the boat already seat on the kayak and the catamaran will be by your side to support everybody in case you want to come back for any reason. In the kayak tour, the guide will provide detailed information about the beaches, caves, and curious shapes in the rock formations. At the end of the tour, we come back to the catamaran with the kayaks to relax a few minutes, jump on the water and swim around the boat. For the Tour, we need 2 hours and 30 minutes - from leaving the harbor to coming back again. This activity depends on the weather and Sea Conditions. If is not safe I can cancel the Tour. You can leave your mobile or camera on the support boat if you think is not safe on the kayak. The Kayaks are double, you can share the effort.
⭐️Insta Pro Photoshoot in Chefchaouen⭐
We'll hit the streets of Chefchaouen and we'll explore the most beautiful streets, tiny squares, and buildings on our way. I`ll help you relax in front of the camera, And giving you poses making sure to get those insta-worthy photos. We'll explore all of the most beautiful spots around town and if there are any particular locations in the Chefchaouen Old town that you'd like to visit, I can add them to our itinerary along the way if you show me a photo of them. ▪️My experience is private. Once you book your session, I’ll close the available slots left. - I’m a videographer too so i can help with taking some stunning reel videos for insta or youtube. ▪️Delivery : - All original pictures + 40 edited ones - 1 to 5 days By google drive link or wetransfer. - the Photos are delivered in high resolution and without logo. ▪️Best colors to wear : Orange, Red, white, light Green. ▪️Contact me please if you want to book a different time slot which is not available. I know being in Chefchaouen may be a special experience for you, you'll never regret a memorable pictures from a local experienced photographer in this city
Benagil visite Grutas e Praias Selvagens
Prepare-se para explorar os tesouros naturais das Grutas de Benagil, escondidos ao longo da bela costa do Algarve. O seu passeio guiado de 1 hora até Benagil começará em Armação de Pêra. Suba a bordo de um barco novo e confortável, onde eu e a minha simpática equipa o levaremos a descobrir o litoral algarvio. Ao longo do caminho até à Gruta de Benagil, passaremos por mais 10 grutas e cerca de 8 praias selvagens, muitas acessíveis apenas pelo mar! A costa entre Armação de Pêra e Benagil é simplesmente linda e definitivamente merece a viagem! Leve sua câmara para capturar a paisagem única da região do Algarve. O destaque deste passeio será definitivamente a incrível gruta de Benagil. Certifique-se que não perde esta experiência! Outras observações - Pode levar todos os seus pertences consigo no barco (desde que não incomode os outros hóspedes). - Ao entrar para o barco pode molhar os pés. - Pet Friendly

Amb bones valoracions per la seva singularitat

Day Trip To The Atlas Mountains, Valleys & Camel Ride
In this unique family experience from Marrakech, I will take you to visit valleys in the Atlas Mountains, where I was born and still live, we will walk for 1hr and a half to many beautiful sites in the area such as waterfalls through authentic Berber villages. The hike in the area is worth it because the latter offers a panoramic view of the valley and its villages before heading to my family's house After picking you up from your accommodation your first activity will be a camel ride tour. dressed in Bedouin costumes that make this an authentic experience and enjoy a 15 to 20-minute camel ride. then enjoy a cup of fresh mint in a Berber tent while talking about this amazing animal and the Berber culture and traditions. Then head to the Tahanaoute region where you will stop in front of Azrou, an indigenous Berber village over 1,800 years old before heading to the local Argan Oil Association for a tour and snack as well as experiencing the bottling process firsthand. Then continue to Atlas Mountain, open arrival start walking alongside the river before going up to my family house where you will have a delicious lunch cooked by Mother After lunch start walking to the waterfalls where you will stop to take pictures, as you are walking enjoy the stunning views of the green valley and Mountain Toubkal with plenty of fields that the locals use to grow vegetables and fruit trees.
Cooking class with Moroccan family
Come with an empty stomach for this unique culinary adventure in a real Moroccan home. We’ll welcome you to our house with Moroccan tea and pastries to discuss the day’s plan. I’ll then take you to buy fresh ingredients at a popular souk, where you’ll discover authentic Moroccan culture. We’ll return home to start the cooking class with my mom and my wife. They are the best chefs in my family . You’ll learn the recipes step by step, and discover the secrets tips and technics of our traditional cuisine. Once everything is ready, we’ll eat lunch together and end with Moroccan tea. Other things to note Please come with an empty stomach. - Vegans and Vegetarians are Welcome - Gluten Free are Welcome - To get to our home is easy: ---- you can take bus which is just 4 dhs (0.5 $) ---- you can also take small taxi which is 50 dhs maximum (4 $)
Cours de cuisine chez une famille berbére avec menu complet
Après nous être retrouvé à l'Ecolodge La palmeraie, nous rejoindrons ma maison à 5 minutes à pied ou en voiture comme vous préférez. L'occasion de traverser mon village d'origine. Puis je vous accueillerais dans ma maison ou nous commencerons ensemble le cours de cuisine dans la bonne humeur. Je vous propose de découvrir et apprendre à cuisiner un tajine poulet ou viande ou couscous, accompagné de leurs légumes. Vous découvrirez des produits frais, locaux et de saison, se qui permet d'avoir les meilleurs saveurs. Choisir et nettoyer les différents ingrédients, légumes, viandes, épices, aromates... Éplucher, couper et commencer la cuisson du tajine. Pendant que le tajine mijote, nous préparerons le dessert, des crêpes milles trous "Baghrir", crêpes marocaines traditionnelles. Nous accompagnerons se repas d'une salade marocaine, et pour finir la préparation je vous ferait découvrir l'art du thé marocain en vous faisant participer à sa préparation. Nous partagerons ensemble le repas pour déguster vos préparations. Puis je vous raccompagnerais au point de rendez vous si besoins. Autres remarques Le cours de cuisine est ouvert à tous ainsi qu'aux enfants accompagnés. Il est possible de proposer un repas végétariens, ou végétaliens ou autre régime spéciaux, simplement merci de me le dire à l'avance, ce sera avec plaisir que je m'adapterais. A bientôt
Moroccan Cooking Class With Chef Najla, Argan Oil Making
bienvenue dans mon cours de cuisine, vous vivrez une expérience culinaire personnelle mémorable et merveilleuse. le cours peut prendre un group de 15personnes Nous nous rencontrerons à côté de la pharmacie local près de chez moi, pour faciliter le point de rendez-vous pour vous. Nous achèterons ensuite ce dont nous aurons besoin pour le cours (légumes, viande...), ca ne sera pas un marché mais plutôt des petites boutique a coté de chez moi, et nous allons partir à ma maison située dans l'ancienne médina. Je vais commencé mon cours de cuisine en vous apprenant à préparer du thé marocain traditionnel, puis nous nous installerons pour l'heure du thé et dégusterons de délicieux biscuits et gâteaux marocains au fur et à mesure que nous apprenons à nous connaître. le menu sera composé des entrées, des plats principal (tous sera de votre choix) Je vous expliquerai étape par étape le processus de cuisson et vous enseignerai ma technique de cuisson personnelle et ma sélection unique d'herbes et d'épices pour créer le repas marocain le plus authentique que vous avez jamais goûté. Si vous cherchez à acheter de l'huile dargan Cosmetic et vous ne savez pas si elle est pur ou pas, il y aura la possibilité de la fabriquer vous-même à la main. Je serai là pour vous guider pas à pas (le prix de l'expérience n'inclut pas l'huile dargan, merci de me contacter pour le prix extra de lhuile.
Make Your Own Argan Oïl
Là ou vous partez vous êtes toujours sur le doute de savoir si c'est la vrai huile ou la fausse, vous n'êtes plus obligé de l'acheté dans des faux boutiques, maintenant vous pouvez la produire vous même en suivant les étapes de production, je serais là pour vous guider, vous conseiller et vous expliquer tous les bienfaits de ce trésor. mon idée est de produire cette précieuse huile qui sera 100% pure. Ensemble, nous passerons du temps dans ma maison qui est situe dans l'ancienne médina, après pouvoir prendre un thé et des pâtisseries marocaine autour d'une conversation en vous aidons a mieux connaitre les locales boutiques pour vos shopping et encore plus les prix local et pas touristique. au milieu de notre préparation, nous commençons notre préparation d'huile d'Argan toute en expliquant les bienfaits et l'utilisation de ce trésor (cheveux et corps et ongles). vous allez pouvoir mixer, malaxer, et presser la pâte d'argan l'obtention de d'huile. en passant de plusieurs étapes. après l'obtention d'huile vous êtes sur le point de testé le produit naturel et de connaitre plus sur la différence entre l'huile d'Argan alimentaire et cosmétique, et sur le faux huile et le pure. Une Henné marocaine vous sera offerte comme souvenir de ma maison NB: 100 ml d’huile argan pure vous sera offert remarques On se rencontre a cote du pharmacie el badii essayez dutiliser google maps cest plus pratique de trouves les petite rue que les autres maps. Minimum dans le cours est 2 personnes

Atlas Mountains: activitats a prop

Aventure en Quad À la Découverte du Désert de Ouarzazate
Passer une heure en quad dans le désert de Ouarzazate est une expérience inoubliable, offrant une combinaison de sensations fortes et de paysages à couper le souffle. Voici un aperçu de ce que vous pouvez attendre de cette aventure : 1. Accueil et Briefing Accueil : Vous serez accueilli par l'équipe de guides professionnels qui vous fourniront un briefing sur la sécurité et le fonctionnement des quads. Équipement : Vous recevrez tout l'équipement nécessaire, y compris un casque, des lunettes de protection et éventuellement des gants et une écharpe pour vous protéger du sable. 2. Départ de l'Excursion Initiation : Si vous êtes débutant, une petite session d'initiation vous permettra de vous familiariser avec le quad. Départ : Une fois prêt, vous partirez en convoi guidé à travers les pistes désertiques. 3. Parcours dans le Désert Pistes : Les pistes peuvent varier de terrains plats et sablonneux à des zones plus rocheuses et accidentées, offrant une variété d'expériences de conduite. Paysages : Vous traverserez des paysages époustouflants, incluant des dunes de sable, des plateaux rocailleux et peut-être même des oasis cachées. 4. Arrêts et Points de Vue Arrêts : Des arrêts sont généralement prévus pour admirer les panoramas, prendre des photos et se reposer. Points de Vue :Profitez de vues spectaculaires sur le désert et, si la météo est favorable, sur les montagnes de l’Atlas
Food Tour By Locals.
Important !!! Early birds get 20% discount Operating since 1998, we bring you to Unveil the mystery of Marrakech Medina with the help of local food tour guides and experts in a group or on a personalized, private experience. We have the skill to combine yummy local food with great stories that make the city come to life. Taste the delectable & moreish bites of Marrakech , while supporting the local community and showcasing small vendors, producers and local businesses and sauntering around the old Medina. Immerse yourself into the vibrant and unique culinary scene by visiting the food stalls and tasting different dishes at local popular eateries. Spend the 3 hours evening with us for a food-filled adventure you won’t forget. Marrakech Food Tour helps curious food lovers enjoy all Marrakech has to offer and promises your belly will be filled with joy, and your senses delighted. If you are vegetarian or have specific dietary needs, please let us know after booking. Our guide will take great care of you. NB: during Ramadan we run the food tour at 11 am with lunch instead of dinner.
Venha passear de barco connosco na Ria Formosa
Os nossos clientes irão passear pelos labirintos de vias navegáveis ​​e praias isoladas do Parque Natural da Ria Formosa. É um passeio de 5 horas que inclui 3 paragens em diferentes praias. Pausa para almoço e visita na segunda paragem na vila piscatória da Culatra, onde pode trazer o seu piquenique ou apenas reservar uma mesa num dos restaurantes da ilha. Ilha da Armona: pertencente ao concelho de Olhão situada no parque natural da ria formosa com praias voltadas para a ria formosa e para o oceano atlântico é um dos ex-líbris da região Algarvia. Ilha da Culatra: pertencente ao concelho de Faro com mais de duas centenas de anos de história e com cerca de mil habitantes, sendo a Culatra um local de tradições e costumes com características únicas e autênticas de núcleo piscatório, a gastronomia é um dos seus pontos fortes. Quem visita a Culatra fica apaixonado e certamente vai querer lá voltar. Farol: pertencente ao concelho de Faro, é um dos núcleos da Ilha da Culatra, com o emblemático Farol de Santa Maria e a sua praia de areia branca com águas cristalinas é sem dúvida um dos lugares paradisíacos ao sul de Portugal. Para além da parte habitada das ilhas, existe uma zona mais selvagem, onde é possível encontrar, por exemplo, camaleões e outros exemplares da fauna e flora local. Poderão ser visíveis durante todo o percurso e dependendo das marés, viveiros de amêijoas e ostra
Moroccan traditional cooking class with Chef Youssef
Welcome to our Moroccan Cooking Class Experience in Marrakech! Get ready for an immersive culinary journey as we delve into the flavors and traditions of Moroccan cuisine. Our experience begins with a delightful twist—preparing a refreshing Moroccan mint tea. Sit back and relax as we take a short break to get to know each other while savoring the aromatic tea accompanied by a selection of mouthwatering Moroccan pastries. Together, we'll explore the essential ingredients needed to create our selected dish, providing you with insights into the diverse array of Moroccan spices used in our cooking. Rest assured, our spices are sourced locally and are 100% natural, allowing you to experience the authentic flavors that define Moroccan cuisine. Youssef, our experienced and passionate chef, will be your guide throughout the entire preparation and cooking process. He'll share his expertise, tips, and tricks to ensure that your dish turns out perfectly, even if it's your first attempt. Youssef's guidance will empower you to recreate these delightful Moroccan recipes in your own kitchen. If you wish to experience some specifique dishes, please let us know.
Pôr do Sol, Ostras e Vinho no Parque Natural da Ria Formosa
Proporciono aos meus clientes um passeio de barco no Parque Natural da Ria Formosa no qual poderão desfrutar da vida selvagem e dos mais belos pores-do-sol. Sendo um habitante local dá-me um conhecimento único das áreas circundantes e locais mais isolados, ao longo dos cursos de água existentes no Parque Natural. Deguste as nossas maravilhosas ostras e vinho branco incluídas no passeio. Experiencia apaixonante a dois ou com amigos para mais tarde recordar... Atenção: Mínimo duas pessoas para este passeio!
Atlas Mountains Hiking Expedition from Marrakech
If you're seeking a unique and immersive experience, look no further than our unforgettable hiking adventure from Marrakech to the awe-inspiring Atlas Mountains. This journey promises to be an exploration of both nature and culture, where you'll traverse rugged terrain, visit charming Berber villages, and savor the authentic flavors of Berber cuisine. Our adventure begins with a thrilling hike that takes you deep into the heart of the Atlas Mountains. As you ascend, you'll be greeted by sweeping panoramas of lush valleys, terraced fields, and rugged peaks that stretch as far as the eye can see. The air is crisp, and the scenery is nothing short of breathtaking. Your journey will lead you to the stunning Ourika Valley, home to cascading waterfalls and the picturesque Ourika River, visit small Berber villages along the way. These welcoming communities offer a glimpse into a traditional way of life that has remained largely unchanged for centuries. You'll have the opportunity to interact with locals, hear their stories, and witness their unique customs and traditions. No Moroccan adventure is complete without savoring the delectable tastes of Berber cuisine. A hearty, homemade lunch prepared by locals is the perfect refueling point on your journey. Indulge in aromatic tagines, flavorful couscous, and a variety of dishes that will tantalize your taste buds.
Expérience nocturne dans la médina Marrakech
Marrakech la nuit est une expérience unique à vivre et ce qui rend la visite si spéciale, c'est votre guide qui vous aidera et vous fera visiter la ville rouge pendant 2 heures et , par conséquent,trouver les clés pour déverrouiller la narration de Marrakech 's acrane. Marrakech, en tant que ville, mérite une plongée profonde avec un guide professionnel pour une visite nocturne à pied. Jetez un œil sur la beauté de la place Djemaa el Fna (l'agitation ), les serpents , les fots, les vendeurs d'eau et bien plus encore avec votre guide. Sur le chemin,vous dégusterez du thé à la menthe ou du café et goûterez des collations traditionnelles qui sauront être mémorables. La visite nocturne de Marrakech est incroyable et tout est possible lorsque vous consultez le guide de Marrakechtour à portée de main.
Discover Fez like a local
Embark on an extraordinary journey through Fez's hidden gems with our captivating panoramic tour. Immerse yourself in the opulence of the Royal Palace, unravel the cultural tapestry of the Jews Quarter, marvel at the breathtaking panoramic view, and witness the artistry of a local ceramic factory. Uncover the soul of Fez in a single unforgettable adventure. Don't miss out on this remarkable experience. Book your tour now!
Hike an amazing Canyon and White Village
I'll pick you up in Málaga city center -see "meeting point"- and will transport you to the white village where starts the tour (IF YOU CAN TRANSPORT YOURSELF LET ME KNOW SO I CAN OFFER YOU A BETTER PRICE RATE). !DURING SUMMER IS JUST HOT DURING THE FIRST 2 KMS HIKE (1 hour) WITH SOME COOL SHADE AREAS! We'll start the route in the center of the picturesque whitehouse village, passing by an old arab canal and walking through a 4'5 kms path of beautiful landscapes and getting finally into the gorgeous Canyon where we'll do a little picnic, usually Next to the natural spring pools. Total lenght of the tour is 10 kms walking (hike is go and back + small walk in the village) On the way we can see wild goats if we are a bit lucky
A full day trip from Marrakech city to the Atlas Mountains
This Airbnb full-day experience starts from Marrakech at 10:00 . will take you to explore the Berber villages in Atlas Mountains . as we heading into the Atlas Mountains, We will stop for a camel ride , you embark on a camel ride through the stunning landscape, with the backdrop of the Atlas Mountains. It's a unique experience that allows you to take in the serene beauty of the area. The camel drivers will be waiting for us to give us local nomadic costumes ,offer us mint tea in a Berber tent. Then, You meet Berber women along the way who demonstrate the traditional process of making argan oil. You will have the opportunity to try it for yourself, grinding the argan nuts and producing the precious oil. We venture deeper into the mountains to explore waterfalls, you will captivated by the beauty and tranquility of the natural surroundings , you engage with the local Berbers, learning about their traditions, folklore, berber lifestyle . Then we will have a Moroccan lunch in a traditional restaurant alongside with the ourika river . This experince takes about 7 to 8 Hours . At 5 pm we drive back to your Hotel. Pick-up location : Hotel Ali ,Jemaa El-Fna square. This experience includes: comfortable transportation, tickects to berber houses and local women rugs cooperative, Drinks, Pickup and drop-off at your hotel, visit to the Berber market on Monday 's & thursday's.
Atlas Mountains Running Trail Day trip From Marrakech
The adventure starts from Marrakech around 09:30 and ends around 04:00. For adventure seekers looking for a unique and thrilling experience, trail running in the Atlas Mountains is a must-try activity. The stunning mountain range in Morocco offers a diverse landscape of rolling hills, rugged peaks, and breathtaking views. With Airbnb, you can join a guided tour or rent a local guide who can take you on a breathtaking run through the mountains. The Atlas Mountains are a great destination for trail runners of all levels, from beginners to experienced runners. The trails offer a mix of technical sections and rolling hills, making them challenging yet accessible for all skill levels. The stunning scenery and breathtaking views of the mountains provide an unforgettable experience for all participants. One of the best things about trail running in the Atlas Mountains is the sense of freedom that comes with it. With miles of winding trails and a wide range of terrain, runners can choose their own route and explore at their own pace. Whether you prefer a leisurely run or a challenging workout, there is something for everyone. After the Running trail, a great deserved lunch waiting for you in one of the oldest houses in the area with the indigenous people in there. After that we’ll take you back directly to your accommodation in Marrakech.
Discover the Hidden Gems of North Morocco's Mountains
Embark on a journey to explore the stunning North Moroccan mountains on this hike. This full-day experience is perfect for those who are looking for a rewarding adventure, but the stunning views and the sense of accomplishment at the end will make it all worth it. The adventure starts with picking you up from your accommodation and taking you to the beginning of the hike.The hike will take you through rugged terrain and steeps, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. You will have the opportunity to witness the unique flora and fauna of the region, and spot local wildlife. After two hours of hiking, you'll arrive at a special spot where we can set up a traditional Tagine lunch and take a break before continuing on. As you continue your hike, you'll reach a panoramic viewpoint where you can see the city below and take in the stunning views. After enjoying the view, you'll have the opportunity to experience a traditional Moroccan tea and enjoy the unique silence of the mountains and many more activities. Please note that guests should be in good physical condition and bring proper hiking boots, a backpack. The hike may be canceled if the weather is rainy. Join us on this unforgettable adventure in the Moroccan mountains.
Medina historical walk
Make your intelectual spirit and adventurous soul, on this day trip inside fes medina, You will be discovering the magical box of fes (el bali). i will guide you through carefully choosing a selection of monument and handicraft places. starting from the bleu gate our walk also help us to discover the details of the medina, and we can take pictures in old places and the souks. We will make a stop for a break in the best berber house to get a traditional sweet and authentic tea or organic juice as you may which then, in the end of the tour will visit the oldest tanneries in the world, and we get one hour for brunch or lunch ( meals are not included) then we will visit the side beyond the city. Other things to note I can always come pick you up from your hotel or Riad.
Benagil Cave Kayak Tour - Small Group & Photos Included
Eco-friendly Kayak tour to Benagil cave and its surroundings in SMALL Group w/ FREE 4KPhotos Make the best of your stay in Algarve by having an eco-friendly kayak tour with us! Start this adventure at the magical Carvalho’s beach, from where we will guide you for 2 hours along the breathtaking coastline of Benagil. Our guides, a team of young but experienced locals, will make your day entertaining and smooth even if it’s your first time on a kayak. (!!!) MEETING POINT: Carvalho’s Beach Parking Lot - BE THERE 30MIN BEFORE YOUR TOUR TIME TO GET EQUIPMENT AND BRIEFING (!!!) What makes us Special? 1. Begin at Carvalho's Beach Hidden Gem: a beach enveloped by limestone cliffs and accessible through a historic tunnel, offering a secluded and awe-inspiring starting point. 2. Embark on an Expertly Guided Kayak Adventure led by our experienced guides, EGAS, CAIO & FRANCISCO, ensuring safety and excitement as you explore the most breathtaking caves, algars, and natural formations along our coastline. 3. Intimate Group Experience: -Join our small group tours, capped at 12 participants, for a personalized adventure where you receive individual attention, fostering a closer connection with both your fellow adventurers and the stunning surroundings. 4. Complimentary 4K Photo Memories: -Capture your memories in stunning detail with complimentary 4K photos taken along the tour.
Quad biking in Marrakesh
*The best thing to do is Quad biking Marrakech. We have prepared this experience to give a special pleasure to your holiday in Marrakesh. More than 3000 Customer have passed the expérience with us in full satisfaction. The driver will come to pick you up in front of your hôtel or the nearest car park for you in te city center . after 25 min of the road you arrive at our place . We start by explaining how quad bike work ,and provide safety guidance, then everyone takes their helmet and their Atv quad. we start the Quad Adventure with 10 minutes of exercises "practice", right after we leave for a 2 hour ride through the oases of palm trees , hills, Berber villages, and the rocky Desert.Pleasant views that you won't find anywhere other than Marrakech Quad. for the stops we have 2: the first break to drink tea with some bread,honey, olive oil and olives with one of the locals and the second one in the palm grove to enjoy take beautiful photos around 10 min . In the end, you will find the driver waiting for you to return you to your hotel. What are you waiting for ? Book your spot and get ready?! Other things to note. *To enjoy the experience at sunset, please book the last available time of the day. * This experience does not require a driver's license. *this adventure take 3 hours including the pick up and the drop off .